Folio/Invoice operations

Overview of a Booking folio

Overview and details of a folio

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How to post services to a folio

Learn how to post services to a folio Highlights from the course ...

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How to close a folio and issue an invoice

Learn how to close folios and issue invoices

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Highlights from the course Payments - good to know In-house tr...

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How to issue an invoice with company billing details

Learn how to change the billing details of a folio to those of a comp...

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How to issue an invoice to an external customer/non-resident

Learn how to charge services to external customers / non-residents

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How to issue a single invoice for several bookings

Learn how to combine folios of several bookings into one

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How to split charges and issue a separate bill for each guest of a booking

Learn how to split charges and issue a separate bill per guest 

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How to transfer Charges from one folio to another

Learn how transfer charges through a practical example - a guest want...

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