LUXEMBOURG - Traveller Accommodation Export

Modified on: Wed, 26 Feb, 2025 at 3:12 PM


In this article, you can find instructions on how to configure the required export of a XML file with guest data, ready to import in the Guichet platform.


To activate this feature, go to the Clock PMS+ AppConnector, locate LUXEMBOURG - Traveller Accommodation Export and follow the on-screen instructions.


After you activate Luxembourg Traveller Accommodation Export in the AppConnector, a settings button will appear and from there you can generate the export file.

For this purpose, you need to enter the date/period for which you want to generate it (usually it is sent at the end of every day), your establishment ID (provided by the authorities) and the email to which you want the file delivered. The file can then be directly imported into the portal.

Please keep in mind that there is guest data, which is required in order for the export to work. Below, you will find a list of the Clock PMS+ guest profile fields which transmit the details. Those fields should be completed for the main booking guest profile in order to have a successful import in the platform:

Main guest data composed of:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Document Number
  • Birth Date
  • Birth Country
  • Birth City
  • Purpose of visit - for which a custom value list has to be created (see below)

Main guest address composed of:

  • ZipCode/Postcode
  • City
  • Country

Creating 'Purpose of visit' value list

To create a custom value list, go to menu Settings -> All settings -> Guest profile fields, edit the “ visit_purpose” field and paste the below in the “Values list” field:

1: Leisure

2: Business

If “Purpose of visit” is left empty - the default value we send is 1: Leisure

In case an exported file fails to upload on the website, you will see error messages indicating the reason. If you are not sure why an error has been generated, please contact our support team and provide them with the error message.


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