ITALY - Italian fiscalization with Epson RT printers

Modified on: Mon, 17 Oct, 2022 at 3:36 PM


The Italian fiscalization interface supports Epson Rt Printers!

I. Prerequisites:

- The Epson RtPrinters should be configured to work with the FPmate TCP-IP communication interface and it should be activated and working;

- The interface uses a Clock IoT device which should have the proper service activated. If the Clock IoT device has never been used for communication with Epson RT printers, please verify with the Clock PMS+ support team the service is activated; 

- The Epson Rt  and Clock IoT must be connected to the same network;

- The Italian Fiscal Policy Settings should be activated for the accounts that will use the focalization interface (Please consult Clock PMS+ Support team).

II. Configurations:

1. Device configuration

Settings > All settings > Fiscalization > Custom fiscal devices> Add a new device - name it and select which IoT device it will work with.

1.1. X report and Z report configuration. Once the device is added, select Operations button and add the following two operations :



1.2. Printer configuration (Tax groups, payment types and IP address). Use the Edit button to configure the device and add the following parameters in the maps section:


The FPMate URL in the configuration table ( in the example) should match the FPMate URL of your device. Please advise your printer support specialist, if necessary;

- The tax_group Key field contains the tax group ID as defined in the printer. The Value field represents the tax group as decimal value (15% VAT is defined as 0.15 and 20% VAT is configured as 0.2);

- The payment_type Key field contains all the predefined payment types in Clock PMS+ and Value field contains the payment type code defined in your fiscal device;

- tax_group and payment_type with Key=default are used when the sale contains a payment type or tax group that hasn't been configured.

2. Fiscal policy configuration:

All settings > Fiscalization >Edit fiscal policy settings and select a Default fiscal printer as well as define which Document types should be fiscalized and the folios closed without a document type should be fiscalized. Define if the folio printing should be done after fiscalization using Folio printing waits fiscalization configuration.

III. Operations:

The following operations are processed:

- Sales. Every fully paid folio will be fiscalized up on folio closure. If the folio is paid after it was closed and should be fiscalized, open the folio and use the "Fiscalize" button and "Print";

- Refund. A negative correction folio (credit) is used. The refund will use the payment type of the LAST registered payment to the master folio. If the correction folio is closed before the balance of the master folio is 0 (also including the value of the correction), the correction won't be fiscalized automatically. Payments should be posted to the master folio, and initialize of the fiscalization process manually. Open the folio and use the "Fiscalize" button and "Print"

- X report and Z report. To execute X report and Z report open Other Functionalities > Cashier Closure > Custom fiscal devices > select the operation for the device it has to be executed on.

IV. Specifics:

- If you are trying to fiscalize for the first time, make sure a Z report has been performed at least once, otherwise you will receive error: "PRINTER ERROR 17"

- If 0% VAT (City Tax or other charges) sales are processed, a special tax group should be configured and used for your device and the ID of that group should be > 10 as those are used for tax exemptions. Please contact your local fiscal printer support for help, if necessary.

- The negative charges are considered as discounts and will be fiscalized as such.

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