Often, your staff may have found something forgotten by guests or guests calling/emailing you, enquiring about something they lost.
In both cases, you can record the information in the designated module in Clock PMS+ accessible from menu Other Functionalities->Lost & Found-> press the green '+' button on top right which will open the following window:
- Status (1) - select the status of this record. You can choose between 'Open', 'Resolved', and 'Expired'.
- Type (2) - indicate if the item was 'Found' by someone and left with you or a guest contacted you to report something 'Lost'.
- Date (3) - enter a date of the record.
- Description (4) - enter a description of the item.
- Location (5) - enter location it was found or location last seen before being lost.
- Guest Name (6) - enter a Guest name
- Guest contact details (7) - enter Guest contact details.
- Employee's name (8) - enter the name of the employee that found the item.
- Notes (9) - enter additional notes.
In addition, you can also attach an Image of the item/s if needed.
Search records
You are able to search in the records by several different filters. Simply navigate to Other Functionalities->Lost & Found and enter your search criteria.
When you click on a record, you will see the full details and will be able to edit it - e.g. change the status to 'Resolved'.