Charge Control

Modified on: Tue, 26 Mar, 2024 at 2:41 PM


We have examined all charge operations in detail. Now we will pay a closer look at the topic of how we can easily track and control all these operations.

To this end we have developed a special 'Charge Control Report'. Here is how to use it:

Charges of a specific folio

The easiest way to track all changes to the charges of a specific folio is to access the control report through the screen of the very folio. In the "Charges" section, select All->Charge Control Report.

This way the report will automatically open in a filtered mode showing all actions referring to the charges of the specific folio. The info is arranged chronologically by the order of the changes.

If you, however, wish to track the changes only to a given charge, simply click eye icon button in its row.  This way you will get the chronology of all changes to this charge.

General Charge Control

Using the control report, you can track the actions to the folios in the system as a whole. To this end, from the Navigation bar, select Reports>All Reports->Charge Control Report (in the Control group).

You can use filters:

  • Revenue dates - for showing the charges referring to the date range set based on its revenue date. Use this report type to cross-reference the report with the Charge Summary Report or other charge reports within the date range set.
  • Version date - for showing all charges and changes to them made within the date range set, regardless of the revenue date of the charges.
  • Service Date - for showing all charges and changes to them based on their Service Date.

Depending on the specific needs, you can combine filtering by three dates or use a single period only.

Find more info on Service and Revenue dates HERE.

  • Folio number - you can filter the charges of the respective folio or use the above method through the folio itself;
  • Type of change -  select the changes to be shown: 'All', 'Negative' or 'Positive'.
  • Company - if filtering by Company, it will include all the charges of folios of the respective company falling into the period examined, as well as the charges in booking/event folios, in which the company has selected;
  • Revenue group and Revenue category -  you can select a specific group and revenue group to see the charges belonging to this revenue group/category;
  • Text- if you wish to track a given charge, here you enter its text.

Start the report through the 'View' button.

Thе Charge Control Report contains all the charges posted, edited or voided within a certain date range, as each charge operation is presented in a separate line. All voided charges will be shown with their reason to be voided.

Tip: Prioritise the use of 'Charge Control Report' via the specific folio or for a specific charge. The general view is very detailed and requires a precise combination  of filters. The options via the folio are automatically filtered and they will considerably ease the finding of the desired information.

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