To-Do Action Plans

Modified on: Tue, 10 Sep, 2024 at 1:42 PM


Planning complex projects just got a lot easier with the To-Do Action Plans feature. Let’s say you’re organizing a wedding. You can create a comprehensive action plan that includes all the To-Dos involved, such as booking the venue, sending invitations, arranging catering, and more. Each task can be scheduled for a relative date—like sending invitations two months before the wedding or confirming the menu one month out—ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.


To set up To-Do action plans: 

  • Navigate to Settings -> MICE -> To-Dos - Action plans and add a new plan.
  • Fill in the fields of the To-Do you want to create.
  • If you fill in the Assigned User field then this To-Do will always be assigned to the selected user. If you leave the field blank, it can be allocated to the user you select when using the plan. This way, certain tasks can have specific assignees, while other tasks will be assigned to a user you select.
  • The date of the To-Do is relative and can be rendered against two dates - "Date Created" and "Date Arrived"
  • In Offset Days - fill in how many days before or after the relative date should the To-Do be created. For example for "7 days after the creation of the Event" - fill in "7". For "30 days before the Event Arrives" fill in "-30" (i.e. a negative number to be before arrival).


To add a To-Do Action Plan to an Event:

  • Open the Event and in the To-Do section, select the Action Plan button. 

  • Find and select the Plan.
  • The creation and arrival dates of the Event will automatically populate. If you wish you can change them, thus the To-Dos will be created according to the newly entered dates.
  • You can also fill in a user, as they will be assigned to tasks for which no user has been selected.
  • Save. The To-Do will be added to the Event with the appropriate fields, dates and users. You can add as many plans as needed to each Event.

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