As we have already mentioned, the main purpose of standard folios is to be used for reflecting the goods and services used by customers. Now we will examine the options for the processing of charges in open folios.
Posting Charges for Services and Merchandise
In Clock PMS+, the charge posting process is really easy and quick through the use of charge templates set up in advance for particular services. To register a charge in a folio, you will first need to access it. We have already pointed out that the easiest way to find it is through its Payer (booking, company, event). Regardless of the type of payer, the steps to register a charge are one and the same:
- You can use the quick 'Charge' button in the folio's row. If it is missing, open the folio through the "Open" button and select the '+' button in the upper right corner;
- On the posting screen you will see template groups depending on your settings. Each of them is presented in the form of a button. Click it to open the charge templates in the respective group. The '-' button (1) summarises all templates for which there is no group selected during their configuration.
- To return to the template groups, use the '<' button (3).
- Click the template that you would like to use to post the charge. If necessary, correct its quantity (6) and confirm through the "Add" (7) button. You will see the selected template, added on the side of the screen (4).
- All services added to the list (4) are only prepared for charge posting. If you have made a mistake, you can remove the wrong template by selecting the "-" button in its row.
- Confirm the charge posting based on the selected templates through the "Charge"(5) button.
- If for the specific charge template, any of the required attributes is missing a value, e.g. Price, an error message will appear. In case of successful charge posting, you will see a confirmation message.
Charge Date Change
By default, the new charges are added to the folio for the current date. You have the option to change the date before adding the template to the charging list. Here are the options at your disposal:
- Select the template you would like to use for charge posting;
- Before adding it to the list, use the calendar to change the charge date that will be reflected:
- The Dates option allows you to select one or more dates at once. Simply click the dates to select them and then add the template to the list.
- The Period option allows you to use the charge template for several consecutive dates (period). Simply choose the start and end date of the desired period and add the template.
Note: When the "Period" option is selected for a booking folio, the system will automatically select the whole period of the booking.
Charging services without a preset template
'Manual Charge' button (2) allows the manual charging of extra services without being necessary to have predefined templates. To do so, it is necessary to at least enter the values for the Required fields when posting the charge:
- Price and Currency. Charges for different extra services can be posted in different currencies.
- Charge Text - charge text of the charge to be added to the folio and accounted folio in the reports;
- Revenue group - select from the available revenue groups;
- Confirm the charges for the services the same way as with the preset charge templates.
Important: Manual Charge for services is restricted by the following right Folios->Charges – Custom Charge Posting. We strongly recommend you to always use predefined charge templates. This way you will make sure that the fields that are important for your reporting will always be correctly filled in.
Charge Corrections
Even posted, charges can be corrected, while the folio is still open. To make changes, find the folio and open it for review:
- From the list, find the wrong charge and use its edit button (8);
- Make the necessary corrections and save the changes.
To correct several charges at once:
- Select the charges from the list;
- Click the Selected (9) button and select Edit.
- In the edit form, click at the beginning of the field to unlock it for change;
- Make the necessary changes and confirm through the "Save" button.
Charge Voiding
Apart from the correction of the wrong charges, you can directly remove the wrong services from the folio by voiding them. Open the folio screen to access its details:
- From the list, find the wrong charges and select them;
- Click the Void (10) button on the right side of the screen. Enter the void reason in the form of a text of your choosing and confirm the operation through the "Void".
Important: The charge edit and void operations are controlled by the following right PMS->Charges: Edit and Void.