The Revenue/Charge system of Clock PMS+:
- Gives front office users easy operations
- Keeps full history of changes in chronological order for the needs of the accounting department
- Does not let reports for past periods be changed.
- Is a Dual date tracking system
Presentation to Front office staff
In folios, each charge is presented as a single line, irrespective of the number of corrections. This gives a much simpler view to front office staff. If they want to change the room price, they only need to change the value of the charge. If a charge is made by mistake, they can void it and it will be hidden in the guest folio.
Presentation for Audit
Each time a charge is changed, a history record is stored with the change. Thus audit and charge reports show the original figures and all changes in chronological order. The changes to specific charge can be found under the 'Changes' button next to each charge in the folio. The history of all charges can be seen in the Charge Control Report.
Case Examples
Check the following scenarios to get a clearer idea of how the revenue system works:
1. First, let's create a booking for 2 nights for 1st January next year. The nights will be charged to the booking folio with future dates (1st and 2nd Jan), that's 100 USD.
2. The booking is still in the future, but we need to change the room price: edit the charges from 100 to 90 USD.
3. It's 1st January now.
4. It's 2nd January now.
5. It is 3rd January and the booking is checking out. The manager decides to give the guest an additional discount. He changes the room charges for 1st and 2nd January from 90 USD to 80 USD.
6. Still at check-out, the receptionist notices that a laundry service charge for 15 USD from 2nd Jan has been skipped. They charge it and set the date of the charge to 2nd Jan, so in the guest folio, the charge will be presented with date 2nd Jan.
Revenue date and Service date
The example above shows the chronology principle followed when using the revenue date in the reports of Clock PMS+. The Charges reports will show the following values:
Revenue date:
- 1st Jan: 90 USD Rooms;
- 2nd Jan: 90 USD Rooms;
- 3rd Jan: -20 USD Rooms + 15 USD Extra services.
Nevertheless, there are cases where such chronology can be a problem. Such a case is the calculation of ADR or all revenue based KPI. In the above example, the ADR for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Jan will not be correct. For such cases, the service date can be used instead of the revenue date in some reports. If the service date is used, the reports will not follow the chronology of the changes, but will only reflect the final state of the charge. If the report 'Occupancy and Charges' is run with the parameter 'Date' set to 'by Service Date' instead of 'by Revenue Date', it will show:
Service date:
- 1st Jan: 80 USD Rooms;
- 2nd Jan: 80 USD Rooms + 15 USD Extra services;
'Future charges closed as revenue' setting
The setting has an impact on the revenue date of invoiced future services. It is managed through the Tax Settings and is applied to all folios closed upon the activation of this setting. This mode will reflect the revenue for future periods in closed folios as revenue for the date on which the folio is closed.
Example: A folio containing charges with tomorrow's date is closed today. The revenue date will be changed and these charges will appear in the revenue report for today instead in the revenue report for tomorrow.