Housekeeper App - functional capabilities and activation

Modified on: Wed, 31 Jul, 2024 at 8:03 AM


With the "Housekeeper App," each housekeeper receives and completes tasks on a mobile device. Without the need for prior installation, everything is extremely convenient, the only thing the housekeeper has to do is scan a QR code. They can use either their personal smartphone or a company smartphone or tablet. There is no limit to the number of devices and housekeepers that you want to use the system.

Functional Capabilities

Here are the functions the housekeeper can perform with the app:

Task Management

The housekeeper sees all the tasks assigned to them. For each task, they see a clear description of the individual activities that need to be carried out. Through the app:

  • They can mark the task as completed or, depending on your work organization, set its status to "Progress" or "Inspect";
  • They can review their own tasks completed today;

Report Issues and Found Items

  • Report a problem - the housekeeper can report issues with a Room, Restaurant, Hall, or Area. When reporting the issue, they can add a description and a photo for clarity;
  • Report a found item - if the housekeeper finds someone's lost item, they can immediately submit a report about it - where it was found and what it is. A photo can also be attached to each report.


The app allows for the recording of minibar charges to a room. When restocking or checking the minibar, the housekeeper can enter the consumption from the minibar, which will be directly charged to the reservation's folio. This will eliminate the transmission of information and potential errors in the minibar reporting process.

  • The charging process is as simple and intuitive as possible. Housekeepers can only charge items that you have previously defined as "Minibar";
  • We have also added the necessary level of security. Through settings, you can determine for each housekeeper whether they have the right to charge the minibar or not;
  • Minibar charges made by housekeepers will carry their name as the username in reports and screens related to charges;
  • We have provided two options for minibar reporting:
    • Each housekeeper reports the minibar in the room they are cleaning - for this purpose, we have added a quick button to charge the room being cleaned;
    • One employee is responsible for all minibars. For this purpose, we have added a special list of all rooms, the employee selects the room and reservation, and charges the minibar;

  • The charging list shows the checked-in reservations, as well as those that have checked out today;
  • For cases where minibar consumption is detected but the reservation has already checked out, we have provided special behavior:
    • The housekeeper can clearly see the status of the reservation to determine if there is a problem with it. This way, they can inform their manager about the situation;
    • When charging the minibar for an already checked-out reservation, a task for the reservation is created to remind about the issue;
    • If there are two reservations in the room - for example, one arrived and one departed, charging is not allowed. The goal is for the manager, not the housekeeper, to decide which reservation should be charged.

Activating/Deactivating Access to Housekeeper App

Activating the app is extremely easy and fast. It would be most convenient for the Housekeeping Manager to open Clock PMS+ on a tablet or other mobile device:

  • Open the list of housekeepers - from the navigation menu, select  Housekeeping Assistant->Housekeeping tasks and go to the "Housekeepers" page;
  • In the row of the respective housekeeper, select the "Activate" button. A screen with a generated QR code will appear;

  • The housekeeper must scan the QR code on their device with internet access - whether it's a personal or company phone or tablet.
  • Done! The "Housekeeper App" will open with their tasks - for rooms, halls, restaurants, or common areas.
  • For convenience, the housekeeper can add the app as a bookmark to their browser, so they can open it next time without scanning the QR code;
  • They can also re-display the previously generated QR code using the "QR code" (1) button.

  • To deactivate access to the app - open the list of Housekeepers and select the "Deactivate" (2) button in the respective row.

You can also check out "Working with the Housekeeper App  learn how to use the app.

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