Booking screen - overview

Modified on: Tue, 10 Sep, 2024 at 9:05 AM


Before proceeding with the creation of bookings, we will take a look at the booking screen and the use of each field.

The screen is divided into several sections depending on the purpose of the fields.

Booking Section

In this section, you will find the fields that are most used in a booking:

  • Booking period (1)- required fields, they are set as the booking's arrival and departure dates.
  • Company / Event and Agent (2) - you can specify if a booking is respectively associated  with a Company, Event or Agent. More info on their use can be found HERE.
  • Arrival Room (3) - it can be allocated to not checked-in bookings as a room type or a specific room number to be selected. You can also specify the guest's preferences for a room selecting its features. Depending on its settings, the system can allow the creation of a booking without a room type or specific room number being associated with this booking.  
  • Adults / Children (4) - here you can specify the number of guests in the booking, as well as the children's ages. The system will let you save the booking without entering the number of guests, but in this case, you will not have precise data in reports. It is also possible for the price of the booking not to be calculated correctly.
  • Meal (5) - select the meals of the booking that will be valid for its whole period of stay. The data will be used in the meal reports.
  • Rate (6) - select the rate to be used for the calculation of the booking price. The system will suggest the rates that match the selected room and meal plan, as well as the ones related to the company profile (if any selected for the booking). If you don't select a rate, the booking will remain with a calculated price.
  • Activation Codes (6.1) - if the rate you have selected is part of a tour operator contract, you can specify one or more codes here to activate discounts or additional charges for the booking. Only the activation codes configured in the contract will be offered in the list.
  • Manual Prices (7) - lets you set a booking price of your choosing, regardless of the prices configured in the rates. More info can be found HERE.
  • Charge transfer options (8) to a Company or Agent. More info can be found HERE.
  • Daily Charges (9) - depending on your system configurations, here you will get suggestions for the most used extra services, so that you can quickly charge them with the booking creation. More info can be found HERE.

Additional fields

  • Guarantee Option (10) - select the guarantee policy to be applied to the booking. More details on the matter can be found HERE.
  • Room Change (11) - re-assigning another room for a booking, as well as the planning  of future room re-assigning. See HERE how to use this feature.
  • Approximate time of Arrival/Departure (12) - the data can be filled in by guests themselves through the MyBooking portal.
  • Arrival housekeeping activities (13) - you can select a task to be activated on the day of the booking arrival. It is reflected in the Housekeeping reports.
  • Transfer Arrival/Departure(14) - you can specify the transfer data that will be used in the Transfer report.
  • Charge transfers (15) - tick the checkbox to allow the transfer of charges to the booking folios.
  • Additional doors (16) - it refers to the key card system, as here you can select additional doors that can be opened by the guest using the key card (e.g., common area doors). 

Guest and Contact person Sections

  • Guest (17) - fill in the details of the main guest in the booking. Each booking has a main guest, you can select amidst the existing guest profiles or create a new one.
  • Reference Number and Date (18)- you can use the field to specify the booking's external system number or simply summarise several bookings into one group by providing a common number. For the bookings from online channels, the booking number from the respective channel will be filled in here. 
  • Customer cost centre (19) - a field intended for the accounting purposes of the guest. The field is included in the document printout. 
  • Marketing source/channel/segment (20)- used for data segmentation reports. More info can be found HERE.
  • Calendar colour (21) - you can set a special colour to make the booking stand out on the Room calendar. 
  • Contact person (22) - used in the cases when the booking is made for another person. See more details HERE.

Meal Section

Here you set exceptions to the standard meal of a booking, selected in the Booking section. See how you can use this option  HERE.

Notes Section

In this section you can leave booking notes that are addressed to the respective departments. You will see the notes on the booking list, as well as in the reports for the respective department.

Note: The notes in the “Client requests” are visible in the MyBooking portal. Guests can leave their own requests through the portal.

Commission Section

In this section, you can fill in the data referring to the calculation of the commission owed to the Agent or the Company. More details can be found HERE.

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