Control of charge processing

Modified on: Mon, 3 Feb, 2025 at 9:28 AM


The charges in Clock PMS+ reflect all goods and services used by the customers. Timely control of the charges will ensure accuracy in revenue reporting and the subsequent issuance of documents for them.

User Rights

To manage charge operations, you have the following set of user rights:

  • Charges: Create – allows users to register charges in folios and permits the correction of the date of an existing charge;
  • Charges: Edit and Void – enables price, currency, and quantity modifications for posted charges. Also allows the voiding of existing charges;
  • Charges: Edit print text – allows editing only the print text;
  • Charges – Custom Charge Posting – enables posting a charge without using a predefined template. Allows modifications of all other fields in existing charges that are not controlled by the above two rights;
  • Charges: Transfer – allows the transfer of charges between different folios.

Various operations with reservations and folios require users to have charge processing rights. More information about these operations and the necessary user rights can be found in User Rights for Booking Operations and User Rights for Folio and Charge Operations.

Control Reports

Tracking Changes to Charges

Clock PMS+ maintains a history of all key changes to charges – price, quantity, currency, etc. You can track all modifications to a specific charge, changes within a given folio, or overall charge operations in the system for a specific date or period. Detailed information about this can be found in the article Charge Control.

Checking Valid Charges by Rooms

To quickly review the different types of services charged to reservations, we have provided the report "Charges By Rooms". Use it to audit daily charges in each room.

You have the following filters available:

  • Date (1) - select the date for which you want to track the posted charges;
  • Revenue groups (fast selection) -predefined filters are available:
    • Rooms, Packages, Tax (2) - displays all charges that fall into the revenue groups: Rooms, Packages, and Tourist Tax;
    • Extra, F&B, Other (3) - includes all charges in the revenue groups: Extra Services, Food & Beverage, and Other;
    • Other (4) - allows displaying charges from all revenue groups or selecting a specific revenue group and category, for example, category - "Food & Beverage," group - "Minibar";

The two checkboxes below the filters allow you to extend the report by including information about guest names (5) and rooms without charges (6) for the selected date.

Uninvoiced Charges

You can obtain information about uninvoiced charges from the following reports:

Open Folio Charge Age Report

Use this report to track uninvoiced charges based on their age. The charge age is calculated as the difference between the current date and the service date. With the filters, you can easily find, for example, all folios containing services older than 30 days. Here’s how to use them:

  • Oldest charge age/Newest charge age (7) - use one or both filters in combination to set the minimum charge age;
  • Payer type (8) - generate separate lists of folios based on their payer type – Reservations, Companies, or Events;
  • Company (9) - filter folios by a specific company;

Open Folios Report

This report provides the total amount of charges in open folios, with the option to track folios separately for Companies, Events, and Reservations. For example, it helps quickly identify whether there are valid unbilled charges in folios of canceled or checked-out reservations.

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