Block Pickup Report

Modified on: Wed, 29 May, 2024 at 2:58 PM


Block Pickup Report

When working with a lot of Events or Groups with blocks, the Block Pickup report will be a valuable tool through which you can track the applicable blocks for a period, event or company and their conversion. This way, you will have a full picture of the situation and analyse conversion rates, release unused blocks or follow up with organisers about fulfilling their blocks.

To access the report:

  • From the navigation menu, click Event-> Block Pickups;
  • Enter the period for which you would like to view the blocks. As an addition, you can use the "Company" (1) and "Event" (2) filters to have more specific information;
  • Select the report type (3):
    • Availability  - provides info of the unused room blocks. 
    • Pickup % - you will receive data of the percentage of blocks converted to bookings.

Tip: If you wish to track the status of the blocks for a specific event, you can access the report using the links at the bottom of the Blocks section. This way, the report will automatically be filtered for the specific event and period it falls in.

Type of the 'Availability' Report

Here is what information is shown in the detailed view of this type of report:

  • The blocks in the selected period are grouped by room types;
  • In the starting row of each block, you see the name of the event and the block (4) as well as indication of the block status (active or optional);
  • For each date of the selected period, you have data of :
    • Remaining (5) - number of unused blocks;
    • Blocked (6) - number of the block's rooms;
    • Bookings (7) - number of blocks converted to bookings.
  • At the bottom of the report, you have summary data of all blocks (8) in the selected period.

The eye icon button in the upper right angle allows you to change some of the details in the report:

  • Show occupancy - for each room type, you can see the percentage occupancy and the remaining free rooms. The data of free rooms is gradient-coloured  depending on the occupancy;
  • Show details - if you disable the details, you will have a compact view report in which for each block only the number of unused blocks is included (5);
  • Big fonts - you can enlarge the report's font size for better data readability.

Type of the 'Pickup %' Report

The detailed view of this type report builds on the previous type as here the leading info is the percentage of blocks converted to bookings.

Respectively in the compact view, for each block you will only see data of the usage percentage.

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