Our Slovenian fiscal policy interface is fully compatible with ZDavPR via both of our solutions (Clock PMS+ and Clock POS).
Please contact our support agents to activate the Slovenian fiscal policy interface for your subscription.
Once activated, please follow the settings below to finalize the setup.
Step 1. Get a digital certificate from eDavki by visiting the eDavki web portal. Follow the steps to have your digital certificate (DPR-PridobitevDP form) issued.
Step 2. Upload your certificate and activate the business premise for your accounts (Clock PMS+/Clock POS)
2.1. For Clock PMS+, open the Navigation menu - 'Settings' -> 'All Settings' -> 'Fiscalization' -> 'Edit fiscal policy settings'. For Clock POS, open 'Management' -> 'Fiscalization' -> 'Edit fiscal policy settings'.
Fill in your certificate passphrase and select your certificate. Please note that it needs to be in .p12 format.
Then press "Continue".
2.2. Business premise activation
- is your business premise information that should be sent to eDavka. (All fields with * are required).
- The information from the "City" field will be shown on the printouts (receipts, invoices, etc.).
- The information from "Business Premise Identifier" can also be used for the invoice number generator (see Step 4).
- Then press "Activate/Reactivate".
2.3 Additional settings
Please open the fiscalization settings and review the additional settings that can be applied.
- Fiscal document type. Mark which document types should be fiscalized when used.
- Require folio fiscalization. If set to Yes, the closed folios (without the document type) will also be fiscalized.
- City-tax tax code. Fill the tax code that can be used for city tax (the "city tax" is treated as other taxable group).
- Device. Add the Electronic Device ID of your company. Can be used for the invoice number generator (see Step 4).
Step 3. Adding operator tax number is required for persons owning a Slovenian tax number.
- Please go to the Navigation menu - 'Settings' -> 'All Settings' -> 'Users' -> 'Edit user' and add the operator's tax number in the "Fiscal code" field of the "Other" section.
- The number needs to be 8 characters (numbers only).
- The operator's tax number is personal confidential data and it is not to show in the print templates/invoices.
Step 4. Optional
- If needed, please go to the Navigation menu -> 'Settings' -> 'All Settings' -> "Document Number Generator'
- Edit the generator that will be used (by default it is the one named "Invoice generator").
- Add the required number in the "Prefix" field
- Save.
For example, the settings below will result in the following invoice number: PE12-D1-000001: